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metabolic water造句

"metabolic water"是什么意思  
  • D . panamintinus is a granivore that lives on metabolic water.
  • Migratory birds must rely exclusively on metabolic water production while making non-stop flights.
  • Some organisms, especially xerocoles, animals living in the desert, rely exclusively on metabolic water.
  • This is in contrast to complete oxidation of lactic acid, which would actually yield metabolic water for the body.
  • Humans, by contrast, obtain only about 8-10 % of their water needs through metabolic water production.
  • :You might also be interested in metabolic water-300 grams of rice ( dry weight ) gets turned into ~ 150 ml of water.
  • The accumulation of glycogen during the insect larval stage has been linked to increased body water content and is likely a source of metabolic water during dry conditions.
  • When heat stress is at its maximum, ostriches are able to recover evaporative loss by using a metabolic water mechanism to counter the loss by urine, feces, and respiratory evaporation.
  • Functions of diuretic and antidiuretic hormones include : postprandial diuresis, post-eclosion diuresis, excretion of excess metabolic water, clearance of toxic wastes and restricting metabolite loss ( Coast et al ., 2002 ).
  • An experiment to determine the primary source of water intake in the ostrich indicated that while the ostrich does employ a metabolic water production mechanism as a source of hydration, the most important source of water is food.
  • It's difficult to see metabolic water in a sentence. 用metabolic water造句挺难的
  • Hydration is achieved by drinking and metabolic water production, as water intake from food sources is low and maintenance of positive water balance is crucial due to the importance of evaporative cooling for thermoregulation at high ambient temperatures.
  • These results show that the metabolic water mechanism is not able to sustain water loss independently, and that food intake, specifically of plants with a high water content such as Euphorbia heterochroma, is necessary to overcome water loss challenges in the ostrich's arid habitat.
  • When ostriches were restricted to the no food or water condition, the metabolic water production was only 0.5 L & middot; d  " 1, while total water lost to urine, feces and evaporation was 2.3 L & middot; d  " 1.
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